200+- Acres Marion County, Kansas Tillable Land For Sale Action
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Auction Date: THURSDAY MARCH 2, 2017 6:00 PM
Voth Family Revocable Trust, Seller
Great opportunity to purchase quality tillable land between Goessel and Peabody in Marion County, Kansas.
TRACT 1 DESCRIPTION: 40+- acres of all tillable land. This affordable sized tract of productive tillable land will make a great investment or addition to your farming operation. Full possession of this tract will be given immediately following the auction.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 21 South, Range 1 East of the 6th PM, Marion County, Kansas.
LAND LOCATION: From Newton, North on K-15 HWY 8 miles to 90th, East 1 3/4 miles to the property.
2016 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $334.40.
TRACT 2 DESCRIPTION: This 158.44+- acre tract features 146 acres of tillable with the balance acreage in tame grass, waterways, and timber. This diverse tract offers an excellent investment opportunity with quality tillable ground and some additional recreational value. Possession of the property will be immediately after the auction except on 57.72 acres that is currently planted to Wheat. Possession on that portion of the property will be immediately following the 2017 Wheat harvest.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 21 South, Range 2 East of the 6th PM, Marion County, Kansas.
LAND LOCATION: From Tract 1, 2 Miles East on 90th to Falcon Rd, 1/2 Mile South.
2016 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $1078.30.
TERMS: Earnest money is specified above and due at the conclusion of the Auction with the balance due upon Sellers submission of merchantable title and closing. Closing date shall be on or before April 3, 2017. Closing fee and title Insurance fee will be split 50/50 between Seller and Buyer. Selling subject to easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way. This property is not selling subject to financing or inspections. Interested buyers need to view the property prior to the date of the auction and have financing available and any inspections performed prior to bidding. All pertinent information is available upon request. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any other announcements or printed material.